Custom Run Exemplars

Sadie the Therapy Assistant Dog
THE JOB: Create a custom sticker run to encourage and reward participation. Using our blank 35mm sticker format, we designed and produced a colourful array of stickers with a paw print motif.
THE COST: We produced 1000 custom stickers for $185. Initial design charge was $120 (one off) - stickers were charged at our personalised rate of $19.95 per 240

School of the Air - Remote School Attendance Strategy
THE JOB: Adapt a range of our existing certificates to relect the needs of the Remote Learning Attendance Initiative by
incorporating a supplied graphic and new award titles.
THE COST: We produced 500 custom certificates of each kind for $185. Initial design charge was $120 (one off) - delivery was charged at cost.

Edge Hill State School Athletics Day
THE JOB: With supplied images of sports house mascots, add a message and produce a custom sticker run for Athletics Day. Using our blank 35mm sticker format, we produced 4 seperate sheets and ran 240 of each.
THE COST: Initial artwork charge was $80 (one off) - stickers were charged at our personalised rate of $19.95 per 240 stickers.